Tag: VUS

Carmen David

Carmen David

Today, we’re going to talk to Carmen David, who is going to share her experience with an aortic dissection after the delivery of her second daughter, her experiences recovering from that physically and emotionally, how she handled the information of two VUS’s, or Variants of Unknown Significance, and what she’s been doing since her dissection to raise funds for research. 

Links mentioned in the episode:

* Runforaortichealth.com

* Johnritterfoundation.org

* Aortichope.org 

* Aortic Dissection Collaborative https://www.pcori.org/research-results/2022/community-led-research-development-aortic-dissection-collaborative


*Aortic Athletes Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/share/18CNWsphrL/

*AD in Pregnancy/PostPartum Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1282484088538178/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT

*contact for Carmen David, regarding the run event Runforaortichealth@gmail.com

Find more information, including support groups and webinars, about VEDS, Marfan, and Loeys-Dietz, at thevedsmovement.org, loeysdietz.org, and marfan.org. Also find more support for aortic dissection and ways to get involved through the John Ritter Foundation for Aortic Health, johnritterfoundation.org 

Links to resources, events, and research opportunities: 

VEDS Collaborative Research Study: Email vedscoll@ohsu.edu 

Marfan Foundation/The VEDS Movement/Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation Events:


Join a Walk for Victory:


Help and Resource Center





You can support this podcast by subscribing to my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/Translucentone 

Thank you to all my patrons for supporting the show, and extra thanks to my top-tier Connected Patrons:

Jon Holtom
Ashton Tanner
Ryan Rodarmer
Benjamin Weisman
Fiona McIver


The views, information and opinions in the podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and the information presented does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. Any opinions I express in this podcast are my own, and not of my employer. 

Erin Langley

Erin Langley

Erin Langley was tested for VEDS (Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) due to some concerning family history, but her results came back as a Variant of Unknown/Uncertain Significance, or VUS. In this episode, she shares her experience with those results and how she’s found support in the meantime.

Link to the articles mentioned in the interview:

The known unknown: the challenges of genetic variants of uncertain significance in clinical practice https://academic.oup.com/jlb/article/4/3/648/4820755

Mother’s Negligence Suit Against Quest’s Athena Could Broadly Impact Genetic Testing Labs


Link to Annabelle’s Challenge study mentioned in the interview: https://www.annabelleschallenge.org/veds-research-vus

Find more information, including support groups and webinars, about VEDS, Marfan, and Loeys-Dietz, at thevedsmovement.org, loeysdietz.org, and marfan.org

If you would like to share your story with VEDS, Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, or a similar condition on this podcast, visit 


Links to resources, events, and research opportunities: 

VEDS Collaborative Research Study: Email vedscoll@ohsu.edu 

Marfan Foundation/The VEDS Movement/Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation Events:


Join a Walk for Victory:


Help and Resource Center





Merch! You can now buy merch that helps you raise awareness of VEDS, Marfan, and Loeys-Deitz while supporting Staying Connected at my printify pop-up store: https://staying-connected.printify.me/products 

You can also support this podcast by subscribing to my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/Translucentone 

Thank you to all my patrons for supporting the show, and extra thanks to my top-tier Connected Patrons:

Jon Holtom
Ashton Tanner
Ryan Rodarmer
Benjamin Weisman
Fiona McIver


The views, information and opinions in the podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and the information presented does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. Any opinions I express in this podcast are my own, and not of my employer.