Category: mom

Katy DeCoursey

Katy DeCoursey

Katy’s husband, Mike, and her son were diagnosed with VEDS in 2020. In this episode, Katy shares her perspective as a spouse and a mom of loved ones with this condition.

These episode show notes will be updated with a link to the kids book, “Wonderfully Made,” once it is available on Kindle.

Find more information about VEDS, including support groups, an emergency preparedness kit with a wallet card, and medical webinars, at This podcast is not associated with The VEDS Movement or The Marfan Foundation.

If you would like to share your story with VEDS on this podcast, let me know here. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Thank you all my patrons for supporting the show, and extra thanks to my top-tier Connected Patrons:
Jon Holtom
Kacey Keegan

The views, information or opinions in the blog, podcast, and vlogs are solely those of the individuals involved and do not represent the opinions of The Marfan Foundation. The Marfan Foundation is not responsible and does not verify for accuracy any of the information contained in them nor does the information constitute medical or other professional advice or services.