Category: chiari

Melinda and Nataleigh

Melinda and Nataleigh

Melinda’s 11 year-old daughter, Nataleigh, was diagnosed with VEDS, or Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, after 8 1/2 years of medical issues that finally led to a genetics appointment. At first, she was diagnosed with hypermobile EDS, but Melinda pushed for a genetic test to rule out VEDS and she unexpectedly came back positive.

Melinda shares what kind of complications Nataleigh lives with, including POTS, Chiari malformation, a tethered cord, chronic pain, and gastrointestinal issues, as well as how they’ve coped over time with these issues and the VEDS diagnosis.

To learn more about VEDS, or get connected with others who have it, visit

This podcast is not affiliated with The VEDS Movement.