Category: carotid cavernous fistula



Heather was diagnosed with vEDS after several back-to-back medical events in 2015, including a kidney infarction and a carotid cavernous fistula. She had also previously had a colon rupture and an early delivery of her son. Luckily, an ER doc from Paris noticed the signs of vEDS during an emergency room visit. She had complications throughout her life that pointed to vEDS, but these had gone unrecognized. Her mother had also passed away at 37 unexpectedly with no explanation. Heather’s diagnosis with vEDS has provided some explanation for her mother’s death, as well as given her perspective to live her life the fullest.

Find more information about VEDS, including support groups and medical webinars, at This podcast is not associated with The VEDS Movement or The Marfan Foundation.

If you would like to share your story with VEDS on this podcast, reach out to me here. I look forward to hearing from you!